Brněnské Pyvo bývá každý poslední čtvrtek v měsíci. Některé srazy byly spojené s BRUG – Brno Ruby User Group, komunitou kolem Ruby.
Jako již tradičně, klasický termín Pyva vychází v prosinci ne úplně šťastně a proto se sejdeme už 14. 12. od 18h a to v salonku U Dřeváka.
Přednášky nebudou a lightning talky být můžou, ale bez projektoru.
Pokračujeme v obnovování tradice hardwarového blešáku a burzy samolepek! Máte doma nepoužívaný router, diody, sluchátka, disky, nebo jinou elektroniku? Nebo se nehodil úlovek z předchozích let? Doneste je a vyměňte za něco, co vypadá užitečněji! Máte doma nějaké samolepky, které nechcete? Doneste je a vyměňte za samolepky, které chcete!
Same as previous years, last Thursday in December is not the best date for Pyvo, so let's meet on December 14 at Dřevák Beer & Grill.
No scheduled talks, you can have a lightning talk but without the projector.
And let's try again to resume the tradition of the hardware swap market and sticker exchange! If you have unused routers, diodes, headphones, disks, or other electronic devices you don't want anymore but can be useful for someone else, bring it and change for something you like better! Do you have any stickers you don't fancy? Bring them and change for some other stickers you like!
🍂 Listopadové Pyvo se blíží! 🎃
Poslední čtvrtek v měsíci, jako obvykle 🙂 A vracíme se do ArtBaru. 🍻
Přednáška bude anglicky.
🍂 November Pyvo is coming!
Last Thursday of the month, as usual. 🙂 And we are coming back to ArtBar. 🍻
The talk will be in English.
Langchain je všestranným frameworkem pro praxi s jazykovými modely v jazyce Python.
Ať už chcete postavit frontend pro vektorovou databázi nebo postavit aplikaci volající API OpenAI, langchain vám poskytne nutné nástroje i vhodné návody. Pro programátory uvědomělé bezpečnostních rizik umožňuje i implementaci zcela lokálních aplikaci. Součástí prezentace bude i krátké demo nasazení chatbota.
🍂 Říjnové Pyvo se blíží! 🎃
Poslední čtvrtek v měsíci, jako obvykle 🙂 A vracíme se do ArtBaru. 🍻
Přednáška bude anglicky.
🍂 October Pyvo is coming! 🎃
Last Thursday of the month, as usual. 🙂 And we are coming back to ArtBar. 🍻
The talk will be in English.
Intro to quickly hacking together type-safe, data validating, self-documenting, scalable and decently fast JSON APIs in modern Python (with asyncio).
About Patrik: Reformed "just code it in BASH with a bunch of regexes" programmer. Likes asyncio, mypy, and writing Python code that looks more like Java. Cybersecurity and privacy aficionado.
Pojďme si užít zbytky babího léta a grilovat v Lužánkách i v září!
Gril máme zarezervovaný od 18:00 do 22:00.
Vlastní zásoby s sebou! 🙂
Let's enjoy the end of Indian summer and grill in Lužánky even in September!
We have the public grill booked for us form 18:00 till 22:00.
Bring your own supplies! 🙂
I v srpnu nás čeká grilovačka v Lužánkách!
Gril máme zarezervovaný od 18:00 do 22:00.
Vlastní zásoby s sebou! 🙂
Even in August, we will have our traditional barbecue in Lužánky!
We have the public grill booked for us form 18:00 till 22:00.
Bring your own supplies! 🙂
Léto je tady a čeká nás opět tradiční grilovačka v Lužánkách!
Gril máme zarezervovaný od 18:00 do 22:00.
Vlastní zásoby s sebou! 🙂
Summer is here, so let's have our traditional barbecue in Lužánky!
We have the public grill booked for us form 18:00 till 22:00.
Bring your own supplies! 🙂
Červnové Pyvo se blíží! Poslední čtvrtek v měsíci v ArtBaru, jako obvykle 🙂
June Pyvo is coming! Last Thursday of the month in ArtBar, as usual 🙂 This time, we have two talks, both will be in English.
Proteins are essential components of our bodies, with their function often dependent on their 3D structure. However, uncovering the 3D structure has for a long time been redeemed by months of hard work in the lab. Recent advances in Machine learning and NLP have made it possible to build models (eg. Alphafold) capable of predicting the protein's 3D structure with the same precision as experimental methods.
In this talk, I will explore an even more specific application of language models for proteins - the detection of a knot in a protein's 3D structure solely from the protein amino acid sequence. Knotting in proteins is a phenomenon that can affect their function and stability. Thanks to NLP and interpretation techniques we can try to uncover why and how proteins tie themself into a knot. In this research, we rely on many Python-based tools starting from Biopython to Pymol and Hugging Face transformer library.
Eva is a full-time PhD student in Bioinformatics doing research, teaching and being taught. Currently exploring the world of proteins, their 3D structure and function with a focus on proteins with a knot in their structure and combining it with state-of-the-art Machine learning approaches. In the free time doing anything and everything from dancing, reading, and knitting to reconstructing a flat.
The emergence of ChatGPT has led to a rapid growth of prospects and implementations in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). Various teams were struck with Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and hastened to incorporate Large Language Models (LLMs) into their products. By using OpenAI models, we successfully integrated LLM into our app on March 2, granting our users the ability to get text summaries of any article. Three weeks later, we trained our own large language model for the same purpose.While heaps of research focus on English texts, this talk will zoom in on using LLMs for smaller languages like Czech or Slovak. I'll share some hair-raising examples from the first days after deployment. I'll also chat about the quirks that come with non-English languages (more tokens, bigger models, ...) and dish about our experiments with various LLMs.
Petr is a biostatistician by training, time series forecaster at Google, currently, entangling knots on protein backbones at Masaryk University and applying large language models at Monitora Media.
Další Pyvo se blíží! Poslední čtvrtek v měsíci v ArtBaru, jako obvykle 🙂
May Pyvo is coming! Last Thursday of the month in ArtBar, as usual 🙂 The talk will be in English.
Do you find it difficult to keep up with the increasing number of reported vulnerabilities? Are you unclear about the severity of a vulnerability in your system? Look no further than the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). This standardized framework provides an objective method for scoring security vulnerabilities on a scale from 0 to 10, enabling you to prioritize resources and improve your system's security and resilience. Our talk will demonstrate how to utilize CVSS in Python projects, enabling you to efficiently prioritize efforts and set up automated vulnerability reports. Don't let vulnerabilities go unnoticed - utilize CVSS to enhance your software security today.
Tomas is a Python software developer at where he works on integrating partner APIs to automate tens of thousands of flight bookings every day. Tomas has prior experience working with Java and Typescript and also has a keen interest in Rust. Tomas is dedicated to writing secure and easy to maintain code. In his free time, he volunteers with the Scouts and enjoys spending his summers at Scout camps, where he can share his knowledge and expertise with younger members.
Další Pyvo se blíží! Poslední čtvrtek v měsíci v ArtBaru, jako obvykle 🙂
Next Pyvo is coming! Last Thursday of the month in ArtBar, as usual 🙂
The talk will be in English.
Join us for a hands-on introduction to Keras in a live Jupyter Notebook by Jiri Podivin.
This interactive session will provide attendees with practical insights into building, training, and evaluating deep learning models using the popular Keras library. Through real-time examples, Jiri will guide you in understanding the power and simplicity of this high-level neural networks API. You can follow the demonstration on your laptop but it is not necessary for the meetup at all.
Další Pyvo se blíží! Poslední čtvrtek v měsíci v ArtBaru, jako obvykle 🙂
Next Pyvo is coming! Last Thursday of the month in ArtBar, as usual 🙂
The talk will be in English.
The tmt tool provides a user-friendly way to work with tests. You can comfortably create new tests, safely and easily run tests across different environments, review test results, debug test code and enable tests in the CI using a consistent and concise config.
The python module and command-line tool implement the Metadata Specification which allows storing all needed test execution data directly within a git repository. Together with the possibility to reference remote repositories it makes it easy to share test coverage across projects and distros. The Flexible Metadata Format fmf is used to store data in both human and machine readable way close to the source code. Thanks to inheritance and elasticity metadata are organized in the structure efficiently, preventing unnecessary duplication.
Nástroj tmt umožňuje uživatelsky přívětivý způsob práce s testy. Můžete pohodlně vytvářet nové testy, bezpečně a snadno spouštět testy v různých prostředích, analyzovat výsledky testů, ladit testovací kód a spouštět testy v CI pomocí konzistentní a přehledné konfigurace. Modul Pythonu a nástroj příkazového řádku implementují specifikaci metadat, která umožňuje ukládat všechna data potřebná pro spuštění testů přímo v git repozitáři. Spolu s možností odkazovat na vzdálené repozitáře usnadňuje sdílení testů napříč projekty a distribucemi. Flexibilní formát metadat fmf slouží k ukládání dat v lidsky i strojově čitelné podobě, blízko zdrojového kódu. Díky dědičnosti a elasticitě jsou metadata efektivně uspořádána ve struktuře, která zabraňuje zbytečné duplikaci.
Principal Quality Engineer at Red Hat working on improving testing tools and processes. Lately focused on tmt, the Test Management Tool, which aims to provide a comfortable and efficient way to develop tests and enable them easily and consistently all the way from the upstream project, through Fedora and CentOS Stream to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Petr likes listening, connecting people & interesting ideas, designing elegant solutions and automating tedious tasks. He loves silence, singing, playing the organ and leading the choir.
Principal Quality Engineer ve společnosti Red Hat pracující na zlepšování testovacích nástrojů a procesů. V poslední době se zaměřuje na tmt, Test Management Tool, jehož cílem je poskytnout pohodlný a efektivní způsob vývoje testů a umožnit jejich snadné a konzistentní spouštění od upstreamového projektu, přes Fedoru a CentOS Stream až po Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Petr rád naslouchá, spojuje lidi a zajímavé nápady, navrhuje elegantní řešení a automatizuje úmorné úkoly. Má rád ticho, zpěv, hru na varhany a vedení pěveckého sboru.
Principal Software Quality Engineer at Red Hat sitting on two chairs: during the day working on various CI systems and components, focused mostly on provisioning and tmt development, and at night, he's testing good ol' *nix toolchain tools. He's focusing on improving reliability and stability in the world of infrastructure issues. In his spare time, he likes good company, good food, hiking, or building a custom LLVM backend from time to time.
Principal Software Quality Engineer ve společnosti Red Hat, který sedí na dvou židlích: přes den pracuje na různých CI systémech a komponentách, převážně pak na provisioningu a vývoji tmt, a v noci testuje staré dobré *nixové toolchain nástroje. Zaměřuje se hlavně na zlepšování spolehlivosti a stability ve světě plném infrastrukturních problémů. Ve volném čase má rád dobrou společnost, dobré jídlo, turistiku a čas od času postaví vlastní backend pro LLVM.
The good thing about February being so short is that we can meet sooner at ArtBar for some great Pyvo meetup!
We aim to start the talk shortly after 7PM.
After the talk we smoothly transition into a sustainable eco-networking while sipping on our favourite beverages.
The talk will be in English.
Let's talk about Micropython and Circuit Python and their support for Espressif chips, such as the ESP32. In this talk, we will provide a practical example that covers the most common parts of a Micropython IoT project, including WiFi, web server/client, and async/await.
První letošní Pyvo se vrací do ArtBaru!
This year's first Pyvo returns to ArtBar!
The talk will be in English.
Click-bait title, right?
But seriously, when you ask what is DevOps, two people won't say the same.
So what is DevOps? Come to find out.
Mgr. Pavel Grochal TLDr;
He has loved computers since he was a child, taught programming (at that time C and PHP) as a teacher at the grammar school, and went on to graduate from the Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University in Brno.
’import this’
Since 2012, when he got to know Python and Django, he loves them and uses them for most of his projects. Then in 2015 he became an OpenSource consultant