Brněnské Pyvo bývá každý poslední čtvrtek v měsíci. Některé srazy byly spojené s BRUG – Brno Ruby User Group, komunitou kolem Ruby.
Druhá letní grilovačka v Lužánkách!
Gril máme opět zarezervovaný od 18:00 do 22:00.
Vlastní zásoby s sebou! 🙂
Second traditional summer barbecue in Lužánky!
Again, we have the public grill booked for us form 18:00 till 22:00.
Bring your own supplies! 🙂
Léto je tady a čeká nás opět tradiční grilovačka v Lužánkách!
Gril máme zarezervovaný od 18:00 do 22:00.
Vlastní zásoby s sebou! 🙂
Summer is here, so let's have our traditional barbecue in Lužánky!
We have the public grill booked for us form 18:00 till 22:00.
Bring your own supplies! 🙂
Červnové Pyvo, poslední čtvrtek v měsíci v ArtBaru, jako obvykle. 🙂 🍻
June Pyvo, last Thursday of the month at ArtBar, as usual. 🙂 🍻
Exploring the use of python in every step of 3D printing from model creation to moving the motors.
About me: Hi, my name is Vega, and I am an electrical engineering undergrad with background of many years in programming.
Májové či chcete-li květnové Pyvo, poslední čtvrtek v měsíci v ArtBaru, jako obvykle. 🙂 🍻
May Pyvo, last Thursday of the month at ArtBar, as usual. 🙂 🍻
There are approximately 4,000 Slovak songs, but where can they be found? Historically, these songs were shared through oral tradition. Interestingly, the fields of ethnology and musicoethnology emerged in Slovakia quite early, and early ethnologists began compiling known songs into collections called songbooks and hymnals to preserve them. Unfortunately, the format of these compilations has changed little over the past 200 years. It's time for a modern approach.
Using FastAPI, Jinja2, Alembic, Bootstrap, and HTMX, I'm developing a website to gather all available songs in one place. The main features of this project include accessibility, easy search and filter options, and organized song collections.
About me: I work as a quality engineer in Red Hat's Kernel Performance team, focusing on kernel virtual storage and file systems. For the past decade, Python has been my go-to tool for automating tasks like running tests and processing test results. Outside of work, I play a range of traditional instruments, including the violin, viola, bagpipes, and various traditional flutes, and perform with several folklore groups.
Dubnové pyvo, poslední čtvrtek v měsíci v ArtBaru, jako obvykle. 🙂 🍻
Přednášky budou v angličtině.
April Pyvo, last Thursday of the month at ArtBar, as usual. 🙂 🍻
The talks will be in English.
Django is the most extensive Python framework, which is also very opinionated and synchronous. In contrast, FastAPI emerges as a more recent, asynchronous framework.
As a developer and the maintainer of several services, one of which is a data visualization tool deployed in production across various companies, I have had the unique opportunity to use Django ORM with FastAPI. If you take a look through GitHub or other resources, you’ll notice there’s not much out there about combining Django and FastAPI — it’s a bit of an unconventional setup. The aim of my talk is to share insights from my experience with this setup, highlighting its practical implementation and the lessons learned along the way.
This talk is aimed at programmers from beginners to more experienced ones familiar with either of these frameworks. You’ll gain insights into combining asynchronous frameworks with synchronous ones, along with understanding the benefits and challenges of this approach.
About Mia: I'm a software engineer based in Prague, Czech Republic with seven years of experience in the IT industry. I currently work at Ataccama, where I contribute to the development of a business intelligence tool and I maintain several AI microservices. I'm passionate about building tech communities and knowledge sharing. I'm the main organizer of Prague Python meetups & Prague Python Pizza and a co-organizer of PyCon CZ & EuroPython.
In today's fast-paced world, the ability to deliver new features quickly is crucial for product-oriented companies. In this talk, we'll dive into architectural patterns that optimize the delivery of multiple client implementations in complex client-server architectures.
The advent of the mobile age has dramatically altered the landscape of typical client-server models. After contending with these challenges, we've implemented architectural patterns known as Backend for Frontend (BFF) and Server-driven UI in Python. These patterns have brought significant advantages, but we're also aware of their limitations. We'll explore Python optimizations, caching strategies, and SQLAlchemy preloading techniques, which were crucial to our success.
This talk aims to provide you with an overview of useful architectural patterns, insights on how to implement and optimize them in Python, and strategies to make your product managers happy by shortening your time to production.
About Michal: I am a passionate software engineer who is always looking for new ways to solve complex business problems using the latest technologies. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and expertise with other engineers. I am also interested in leadership and creating a positive team culture. I strive to combine my technical skills with effective leadership skills to help individuals reach their full potential.