Brněnské Pyvo bývá každý poslední čtvrtek v měsíci. Některé srazy byly spojené s BRUG – Brno Ruby User Group, komunitou kolem Ruby.
Praha a Brno spojují síly pro předvánoční Pyvo!
Loni se organizátoři v Brně rozhodli v prosinci místo jedné přednášky dát v online prostoru příležitost zazářit co největšímu počtu lidí prostřednictvím lightning talků. Letos chceme jít stejnou cestou a ještě navíc jsme se dohodli, že spojíme síly brněnské a pražské komunity a uspořádáme předvánoční setkání společně. Čím více nás bude, tím lépe!
A opět se může zapojit každý z vás. Stačí svoje téma zapsate zde: a získáte svých pět (až deset) minut slávy. ⭐
Sejdeme se ve středu 15. 12. 2021 od 19:00 online prostřednictvím Zoom, heslo pro připojení je pyvopyvo. 🙂
Prague and Brno join forces for pre-Christmas Pyvo!
Last year, instead of one lecture, the Brno Pyvo organizers decided give the opportunity to as many people as possible to shine in the online space via lightning talks. This year we want to go the same way and moreover we have agreed to join forces of Brno and Prague community and organize a pre-Christmas meetup together. The more the merrier.
And again, each of you has the chance to get involved! Just write your topic here: and you will get your five (or up to ten) minutes of fame. ⭐
We will meet (untraditionally) on Wednesday, December 15, 2021 from 19:00 online via Zoom, the password is pyvopyvo. 🙂
Lightning talky! Můžeš jeden mít i ty, viz Registrace nutná na Lightning Talk –
Vzhledem ke zhoršující se epidemické situaci se s listopadovým Pyvem vracíme zpět do ONLINE prostředí.
As the epidemic situation is getting worse again, we are taking the November Pyvo back ONLINE.
Join us on Thursday 25. 11. 2021 at 19:00 via Google Meet:
The talk will be in English.
Co udělá Pythonista, když je jeho kód v MicroPythonu už moc pomalý a žere moc RAM? Přejde na Rust! Dozvíte se něco málo o tom, jak je MicroPython naimplementovaný, jak se z něj volá do Cčka, a jak jeho interním strukturám porozumět v Rustu. A taky proč jsme si pro Trezor T vybrali zrovna MicroPython a Rust, jaká úskalí jsme museli překonat a co nám to přineslo.
What does a Pythonista do when their MicroPython code grows too slow and eats too much RAM? Why, they switch to Rust! You’ll find out a little bit about how MicroPython is implemented, how it calls C, and how to understand its internal data structures from Rust. Also why we chose MicroPython and Rust for the Trezor T firmware, what pitfalls we had to face and what it brought us.
Po delší době se potkáme na Pyvo v ArtBaru! Přijďte si poslechnout přednášku od, jak organizovat Python víkendy.
After a long time we will meet at Pyvo in ArtBar! Come listen to a talk from on How to organize Python weekends
Python Weekend je jeden z najdlhšie pôsobiacich komunitných eventov organizovaných V decembri prebehne prvá iterácia po takmer 5 rokoch, kde skúšame nové veci z organizačného hľadiska, inak sa (až na pár výnimiek) formula tohoto eventu prekvapivo za celý ten čas takmer nijako nezmenila. Ako je to možné? Prečo je pre nás tento event tak dôležitý a akú hodnotu generuje organizátorom a zúčastneným?
Python Weekend is a community event with one of the longest histories organized by The next iteration in December will be one of the very few, to have introduced any change to the organisation of the event over the last 5 years. How is it possible? Why is this event so important to us and what value does it generate for its organizers and attendees?
Určitě dojde i na lightning talky. Můžeš jeden mít i ty, viz Registrace nutná na Lightning Talk –
Srpnová grilovačka nám nevyšla podle představ, zkusíme tedy dát šanci babímu létu a sejít se ještě jednou neformálně u grilu. Tentokrát jsme přijali pozvání od do Nové Zbrojovky. Pivo bude zajištěno a gril máme zarezervovaný, tak jen vemte něco na něj a stavte se! 🙂
Grill point location:
The August barbecue didn't turn out as expected so let's give a chance to Indian summer and meet once again around a grill. This time, we accepted the invitation from to Nová Zbrojovka. Beer will be provided and the grill is booked, so just grab some food and stop by. 🙂
ArtBar dnes otevírá později, přesouváme se k Dřevákovi (U Dřeváká Beer&Grill). 🍻
As ArtBar opens later today, we are moving to U Dřeváka Beer&Grill.
🌧 Kvůli nepřízni počasí jsme nuceni přesunout dnešní Pyvo z Lužánek do ArtBaru (ArtBar Druhý Pád).
Due to the unfavorable weather conditions, we have to change the location of today's Pyvo from Lužánky to ArtBar. 🌧
Blíží se konec prázdnin a s ním i druhá neformální Pyvo grilovačka. Gril v Lužánkách máme opět zarezervovaný od 18:00 do 22:00. Těšíme se na vás!
Vlastní zásoby s sebou. 🙂
The end of summer holidays is coming and so is the second informal Pyvo barbecue. We have the public grill in Lužánky booked for us again from 18:00 till 22:00. We are looking forward to meet you all!
Bring your own supplies! 🙂
Léto je tady a můžeme se opět vidět naživo! Pojďme se stejně jako loni v létě potkat neformálně u grilu v Lužánkách. Gril máme zarezervovaný od 18:00 do 22:00. Vlastní zásoby s sebou! 🙂
Summer is here and we can meet face to face again! Let's have an informal barbecue in Lužánky, same as the last summer. We have the public grill booked for us form 18:00 till 22:00. Bring your own supplies! 🙂
Poslední Pyvo před prázdninami bude ještě (snad naposledy) online.
The last Pyvo before summer holidays will be online again (hopefully for the last time).
Join us on Thursday 24. 6. 2021 at 19:00 via Google Meet:
The talk will be in English.
From satellite imagery to knowing where your neighbor went for a run last evening, geospatial data is everywhere. I'll try to go over why Python is a great tool to make sense of most of it.
Find out more about our speaker:
Vzhledem k stále trvající nepříznivé epidemické situaci se opět potkáme ONLINE.
Because of the ongoing unfavorable epidemic situation, we will meet ONLINE again.
Join us on Thursday 27. 5. 2021 at 19:00 via The talk will be in English.
It's been at least 6 months since we had a green dot next to the test runner for our flagship Do Práce na Kole and in the past 14 days there were 296 731 errors in Sentry, but somehow things keep on running. In this talk, we will examine what happens in Django when an error occurs, when a request is being processed, or while a Celery task is being run. Do database transactions roll back time? What about interactions with external resources?
Vzhledem k stále trvající nepříznivé epidemické situaci se opět potkáme ONLINE.
Because of the ongoing unfavorable epidemic situation, we will meet ONLINE again.
Join us on Thursday 29. 4. 2021 at 19:00 via The talk will be in English.
In this talk we will take upcoming release of Python for a spin and look at all the important changes that Python 3.10 will bring, including type checking, syntax changes, pattern matching, performance improvements and more.
Martin Heinz is a DevOps engineer and certified Red Hat professional and currently works at IBM. At work he build CI/CD systems, manages OpenShift clusters and builds Python and React applications. Outside of work he also maintains a programming/engineering blog, where he writes about Python, Golang, Kubernetes and many other things. More info about Martin can be found at
Vzhledem k stále trvající nepříznivé epidemické situaci se opět potkáme ONLINE.
Because of the ongoing unfavorable epidemic situation, we will meet ONLINE again.
Join us on Thursday 25. 3. 2021 at 19:00 via The talk will be in English.
This talk is about writing songs and playing music with python. Back in 2017 I came to know FoxDot, a python wrapper around SuperCollider, which is a super popular open source synthesizer. Since then, I have been using it to create entertaining lighting talks and would like to cover a bit more than just a lightning talk this time.
Moisés Guimarães is a Brazilian programmer from the easternmost place of Americas with focus on cryptography and information security.He currently works at Red Hat as a Software Engineer in the Open Stack Security focus group.
Life and Education
Guimarães was born and raised in the northeast part of Brazil in the small town of São Miguel RN. Later, at the age of 14, he moved to João Pessoa PB where he got his major in web development and received a specialist degree in information security.
In 2018 he left Terra Brasilis to build a new life in Czech Republic as a Python software engineer working in the security delivery focused group at Red Hat.
Work prior to Red Hat
He started his career as an intern for two years at Phoebus Tecnologia followed by five years in the same company developing software for credit card machines with the C language.
In 2013 he started teaching programming for both undergraduate and high school students at the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Paraíba where later, in addition to teaching, he became course coordinator.
His free time while at the institute (2013-2018) was dedicated to a part time job at wolfSSL Inc. contributing to both wolfCrypt and wolfSSL libraries.
Vzhledem k stále trvající nepříznivé epidemické situaci se opět potkáme ONLINE.
Because of the ongoing unfavorable epidemic situation, we will meet ONLINE again.
Join us on Thursday 25. 2. 2021 at 19:00 via The talk will be in English.
You may know Google for search, YouTube, Android, Chrome, and Gmail, but that's only as an end-user of OUR apps. You can also integrate Google technologies into YOUR apps (web and mobile)! Did you know Google has many APIs and open source libraries that help you do that? If you have tried and found it challenging, not enough examples, run into roadblocks, got confused, or just curious about what Google APIs can offer, join us for the answers to your questions. Attendees will see demo code using multiple Google APIs with Python time-permitting, we will also try to give live demos.
WESLEY CHUN (@wescpy) is the author of Prentice Hall's bestselling "Core Python" ( series, co-author of "Python Web Development with Django" (, and has written for Linux Journal, CNET, and InformIT. In addition to being a Developer Advocate at Google focused on Google Cloud (for higher education) and a host of the G Suite Dev Show (, he runs CyberWeb (, a consultancy specializing in Python training. Wesley has over 25 years of programming, teaching, and writing experience, and was one of the original Yahoo!Mail engineers. He holds degrees in CS, Math, and Music from the University of California, is a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation, and Adjunct Computer Science faculty at Foothill College in Silicon Valley.
We have some additional info from Wes for you:
• The slides from the talk: • Use case for learning Python to develop mobile backend on App Engine in 6 days: • The Earth Engine Python API now has a tutorial published in Jan 2021 (last month!) • The top 5 languages used by Google to develop our products (4 "official" languages + JS) and • Current positions at Google (there are some listed under Prague!):
Vzhledem k stále trvající nepříznivé epidemické situaci se i první letošní Pyvo odehraje ONLINE.
Because of the ongoing unfavorable epidemic situation, even the first Pyvo in 2021 will be held ONLINE.
Join us on Thursday 28. 1. 2021 at 19:00 via The talk will be in English.
An introduction to 3D programming with Payton for all kinds of Python enthusiasts. Payton is a 3D library and playground that can get you started with a 20 minutes introduction. We will also have a peek under the hood about the internals and architecture of Payton, along with some design choices/bottlenecks and how they are handled.)
More about the speaker: