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Brněnské Pyvo – 3D

Sraz se konal ve čtvrtek 28. ledna 2021 v 19:00.

Vzhledem k stále trvající nepříznivé epidemické situaci se i první letošní Pyvo odehraje ONLINE.

Because of the ongoing unfavorable epidemic situation, even the first Pyvo in 2021 will be held ONLINE.

Join us on Thursday 28. 1. 2021 at 19:00 via meet.google.com/nor-jqnp-qag The talk will be in English.


Introduction to 3D programming with Payton lib

  • Sinan Islekdemir

An introduction to 3D programming with Payton for all kinds of Python enthusiasts. Payton is a 3D library and playground that can get you started with a 20 minutes introduction. We will also have a peek under the hood about the internals and architecture of Payton, along with some design choices/bottlenecks and how they are handled.)

More about the speaker: islekdemir.com
