Prague Pyvo is traditionally held on the third Wednesday of each month.
Feel free to drop us an email at if you want to have a talk.
Hou hou hou Vánoční Pyvo je tu! Také máte doma šuplík plný HW pokladů, udělátek, hejblátek, tlačítek, tišťáků, robotů, her, konzolí, Arduin a jiného zábavného balastu? Roky si říkáte: „to se přeci bude jednou hodit!?" A ono skutečně bude! Přineste vaše hračky na tradiční Vánoční Pyvo. Můžete je ostatním ukázat nebo i vyměnit či prodat za jiné. Dále se můžete těšit na kratší talky na hardwarová témata! Svůj Ligtning talk si přihlaste na tradiční adrese A netradiční výčet tradic nekončí, sejdeme se totiž (skoro) tradičně v klubu Na Venečku od 19 hodin. P.S. kdo má samolepky a nechce je, ať přinese samolepky. Kdo nemá samolepky a chce je, ten si je odnese. A nebo vymění. Burza samolepek bude též!
Ale to není všechno! Protože tato hardwarová udělátka často nachází uplatnění v pochytřování našich domácností, rozhodli jsme se tento ročník zároveň spojit s prvním oficiálním setkáním uživatelů aplikace Home Assistant. Je jedno, jestli doma máte jednu chytrou žárovku nebo jestli si bez hlasového ovládání už ani nezapnete světlo na záchodě, přijďte si s ostatními popovídat třeba o tom, jak do Home Assistantu integrovat ještě to splachování toalety. Abyste neodešli s prázdnou, během večera si budete moct zahrát kvíz a odnést drobné ceny. A kdo ví, možná přijde i kouzelník!
Ho Ho Ho Christmas Pyvo is coming! Do you have at home a lot of hardware you've never used and you're telling yourself that maybe one day you could use it for something? That day has arrived! Join us for our tradition Christmas hardware swap. You can also look forward to short talks, where we'll together learn something new. You can do your Ligtning talk too: add it to We meet up at club Na Venečku from 7 P.M. P.S. if you have some stickers and you don't want them, bring them! If you don't have any and you want them, you can take them with you! Or swap.
But that's not all, folks! Since these hardware gadgets often find their use in making our homes smarter, we've decided to combine this year's event with the first official meetup of Czech Home Assistant enthusiasts. Whether you have just one smart bulb at home or can't imagine turning on the bathroom light without voice control, come and chat with others, for example about how to integrate even the toilet flushing into Home Assistant. To make sure you don't go home empty-handed, there will be a quiz with small prizes. And you never know what other surprises are in store!
Svůj Ligtning talk si přihlaste na tradiční adrese
You can do your Ligtning talk too: add it to
Budou dvě přednášky, Petra Šimečka a Martina Zemana.
Lightning talk můžeš mít i ty! Registrace nutná na Lightning Talks –
There will be two talks, by Petr Šimeček and by Martin Zeman.
You can have a lightning talk as well – please register at Lightning Talks –
Let's play! And we'll have three toys to play with. The first toy will be a language model. Everyone has probably tried ChatGPT by now, but what if we don't want our data to leave our computer? What are our options and what will they cost us? And how do we choose which model we want? Our second toy will help us with that – language benchmarks. We'll look at two, introduced recently: CzechBench and BenCzechMark. We'll also try out how to quickly test a model using a small test sets ( Getting an elephant into a fridge and a large language model onto a small computer isn't easy. That's where the sloth comes in (, our third toy. The sloth can make a small model behave like a big one in certain ways – and it even fits into Google Colab (!
In this talk, we’ll dig into the gritty realities of payment systems integration — where expectations meet the hard truths of engineering at scale. I’ll share what it takes to lead through the chaos and build a stable, reliable payment system through stories of failures, pivots and team resilience.
Register at Lightning Talks –
Budou jenom lightning talky.
Lightning talk můžeš mít i ty! Registrace nutná na Lightning Talks –
There will be only lightning talks.
You can have a lightning talk as well – please register at Lightning Talks –
Register at Lightning Talks –
Sraz je v 19 hodin Na Věnečku, přednášky začínají v 19.30. Čeka nás 1 přednáška, lightning talky a volná zábava až do rána.
Lightning talk můžeš mít i ty! Registrace nutná na Lightning Talks –
We meet up at 19 at the club Na Věnečku, presentations start at 19.30. You can look forward to 1 presentation, lightning talks and chit-chat until early morning.
You can have a lightning talk as well – please register at Lightning Talks –
In this talk, I will introduce Ario, a Python library developed at Ematiq to help us write services that concurrently trade on hundreds of markets in real time. We will explore how Ario simplifies the development of concurrent applications by encapsulating state and behavior within independent actors. PS: Ario is mypy friendly.
Máme léto a s ním tradičně odlehčený program. Hlavní náplní bude zábava a grilování. V hospodě nabízejí jídla z venkovního grilu - není třeba přinést vlastní.
Dveře se otvírají v 19 hodin. Budou jenom lightning talky.
Lightning talk můžeš mít i ty! Registrace nutná na Lightning Talks –
It's summer! That means it's time for our special summer edition - grill & chill. The pub offers grilled food - no need to bring your own food.
Doors open at 19. There will be only lightning talks.
You can have a lightning talk as well – please register at Lightning Talks –
Register at Lightning Talks –
Máme léto a s ním tradičně odlehčený program. Hlavní náplní bude zábava a grilování. V hospodě nabízejí jídla z venkovního grilu - není třeba přinést vlastní.
Dveře se otvírají v 19 hodin. Budou jenom lightning talky.
Lightning talk můžeš mít i ty! Registrace nutná na Lightning Talks –
It's summer! That means it's time for our special summer edition - grill & chill. The pub offers grilled food - no need to bring your own food.
Doors open at 19. There will be only lightning talks.
You can have a lightning talk as well – please register at Lightning Talks –
Register at Lightning Talks –
Budou jenom lightning talky.
Lightning talk můžeš mít i ty! Registrace nutná na Lightning Talks –
There will be only lightning talks.
You can have a lightning talk as well – please register at Lightning Talks –
Register at Lightning Talks –
Budou jenom lightning talky.
Lightning talk můžeš mít i ty! Registrace nutná na Lightning Talks –
There will be only lightning talks.
You can have a lightning talk as well – please register at Lightning Talks –
Register at Lightning Talks –
Budou jenom lightning talky.
Lightning talk můžeš mít i ty! Registrace nutná na Lightning Talks –
There will be only lightning talks.
You can have a lightning talk as well – please register at Lightning Talks –
Register at Lightning Talks –
Sraz je v 19 hodin Na Věnečku, přednášky začínají v 19.30. Čeka nás 1 přednáška, lightning talky a volná zábava až do rána.
Lightning talk můžeš mít i ty! Registrace nutná na Lightning Talks –
We meet up at 19 at the club Na Věnečku, presentations start at 19.30. You can look forward to 1 presentation, lightning talks and chit-chat until early morning.
You can have a lightning talk as well – please register at Lightning Talks –
I have used a couple of ESP8266 devices running MicroPython to help me with my morning routine. They track my phone as BLE beacon, send info to the fastapi server which eventually generates morning routine (via kafka-based data pipeline) and sends push notification to my phone when I get up every morning (detected by phone movements from bedroom to the work desk in the living room). Also, there is a simple react frontend.
Sraz je v 19 hodin Na Věnečku, přednášky začínají v 19.30. Čeka nás 1 přednáška, lightning talky a volná zábava až do rána.
Lightning talk můžeš mít i ty! Registrace nutná na Lightning Talks –
We meet up at 19 at the club Na Věnečku, presentations start at 19.30. You can look forward to 1 presentation, lightning talks and chit-chat until early morning.
You can have a lightning talk as well – please register at Lightning Talks –
I will briefly describe my own experience how it is possible to speed up the development process and reduce amount of errors by using specification-first approach and code generation
Budou jenom lightning talky.
Lightning talk můžeš mít i ty! Registrace nutná na Lightning Talks –
There will be only lightning talks.
You can have a lightning talk as well – please register at Lightning Talks –
Register at Lightning Talks –