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Pražské Pyvo #141

Sraz se konal ve středu 15. února 2023 v 19:00.
Na Věnečku, Ostrovského 38a, Praha 5, Czech Republic, 15000 → mapa (mapy.cz)

Pyvo bude i v únoru! Sraz je v 19 hodin Na Věnečku, přednášky začínají v 19.30. Čekají nás 3 přednášky, lightning talky a volná zábava až do rána. Lightning talk můžeš mít i ty! Registrace nutná na Lightning Talk – bit.ly/prpylight.

P.S. Nezapomeň s sebou vzít hotovost - neberou karty.

We organize Pyvo in February as well! We meet up at 19 at the club Na Věnečku, presentations start at 19.30. You can look forward to 3 presentations, lightning talks and chit-chat until early morning. You can have a lightning talk as well - please register at Lightning Talk – bit.ly/prpylight.

P.S. Take cash with yourself - they don't accept cards.


The Bridge Between Sync and Async World

  • Václav Košař

Asyncio, a Python builtin library, provides advantages in heavy IO-bound use cases, but on the other hand, spreads complexity across the synchronous code base like weeds. This talk will give you a quick overview of the AsyncIO library and will demonstrate a utility class AsyncioThreadLoop that can isolate the async method calls from your synchronous code.

5 essentials to pack on your career climb

  • Šárka Kousalová

What are the five things to have always prepared to pass your interview successfully.

Why is lunch break a NP-complete problem

  • Jan Urban

Join me for a thought-provoking discussion on the topic of lunch breaks and the challenges they pose in the workplace. This presentation will delve into the transformation of a simple problem written in law into an NP-complete problem, and explore the difficulties and trade-offs involved in finding a solution.


Na Věnečku, Ostrovského 38a, Praha 5, Czech Republic, 15000

Jedná se o soukromý klub, takže nikde není žádná cedule. Když Ostrovského ulice přejde v chodník se zábradlím po obou stranách, jděte 60 metrů do kopce. První brána po pravé straně je vchod do dvora. Ujděte ještě 40 metrů a vchod do klubu najdete vlevo.

It’s a private club with no public signs. After Ostrovského street becomes a footpath walk 60 meters uphill. Club is in the first gate to the right. Go 40 more meters and entrance to the club will be to your left.

Na Věnečku @ Google Maps

Další mapy: mapy.cz, Google Maps.