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Pražské Pyvo #114 Assorted

The meetup took place on Wednesday the 16th of September, 2020 at 19:00.
Holešovická šachta, Bubenská 242/14 → map (mapy.cz)


Pozor, změna místa: Klub Na Věnečku je ještě pořád zavřený. Setkáme se v Holešovické šachtě, Šachtu najdete v Bubenský ulici cca 5m pěšky z Výstaviště nebo Nádraží Holešovice. K dispozici je ohniště a buřty se dají pořídit na baru. Vege pochutiny si klidně doneste s sebou. Mapka hír.

Different venue: Our usual place is closed. We'll meet at Holešovické šachta, located on Bubenská street, within 5 minute walk from either Výstaviště Holešovice or Nádraží Holešovice. Exact location shown on map here.. We can use a fireplace, non vege sausages available on bar. Don't hesitate to bring you own food.


Slack API

  • Jindra

The Evolution of a testing framework

  • Martin Pata

Having recently joined Pure Storage in Prague, I began learning their testing framework. They are using pytest and its fixtures and hooks rather heavily – and successfully – but it wasn't always the case. From the code, it is obvious that the testing went through a series of iterations as time went by, always adapting to growing organizational and technical demands. I found it interesting to map this evolution and the various problems the previous engineers encountered, and their solutions for them. It is not required to be a testing - and especially pytest - nerd, to have fun with this topic.

Lightning talks

  • You


Holešovická šachta, Bubenská 242/14

Other maps: mapy.cz, Google Maps.