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Brněnské Pyvo - Únorové

The meetup took place on Thursday the 27th of February, 2025 at 19:00.
ArtBar Druhý Pád, Štefánikova 836/1 → map (mapy.cz)

Únorové Pyvo, poslední čtvrtek v měsíci v ArtBaru, jako obvykle. 🙂 🍻

February Pyvo, last Thursday of the month at ArtBar, as usual. 🙂 🍻


Kubernetes operators in Python

  • Daniel Plakinger

📚 Description: Have you ever wondered how Kubernetes operators work? What about writing one from scratch? We're gonna write our own operator for decrypting secrets using age.

🎙 About the Speaker: Daniel is an excited developer and architect doing DevOps and tinkering in free time.

More is less

  • Yan Yanchii

The talk explores how Python optimizes constant expressions at compile time, reducing redundant evaluations during runtime. Previously, these optimizations were performed at the AST processing stage, but due to potential misoptimizations, they have recently been migrated to a different compilation phase. The discussion will cover the differences between these stages, the challenges involved in this transition, and the technical details of the new approach.

About Yan

I'm a senior software engineer at Kiwi.com, a leading global travel tech company headquartered in the Czech Republic, nd I work on the Search team.

I particularly enjoy delving into CPython and its internal workings. My preference for creating things from scratch, as opposed to relying on pre-made solutions, has helped me develop a profound grasp of the technical foundations of software development.


ArtBar Druhý Pád, Štefánikova 836/1

Sejděte dolů po schodech, vydejte se doleva poměrně dlouhou chodbou, a po pravé straně najdete bar. Pyvo hledejte v salonku za barem.

Other maps: mapy.cz, Google Maps.