Další Pyvo se blíží! Poslední čtvrtek v měsíci v ArtBaru, jako obvykle 🙂
Next Pyvo is coming! Last Thursday of the month in ArtBar, as usual 🙂
The talk will be in English.
Join us for a hands-on introduction to Keras in a live Jupyter Notebook by Jiri Podivin.
This interactive session will provide attendees with practical insights into building, training, and evaluating deep learning models using the popular Keras library. Through real-time examples, Jiri will guide you in understanding the power and simplicity of this high-level neural networks API. You can follow the demonstration on your laptop but it is not necessary for the meetup at all.
ArtBar Druhý Pád, Štefánikova 836/1
Sejděte dolů po schodech, vydejte se doleva poměrně dlouhou chodbou, a po pravé straně najdete bar. Pyvo hledejte v salonku za barem.