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Brněnské Pyvo – February Edition

The meetup took place on Thursday the 24th of February, 2022 at 19:00.

Únorové Pyvo pořádáme ještě ONLINE, věříme ale, že se už brzy opět potkáme naživo!

We organize February Pyvo ONLINE once again, but we believe we will meet in person soon!

Join us on Thursday 24. 2. 2022 at 19:00 via Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/hup-hqgd-zcw

The talk will be in English.


Salesman Goes Coding

  • Petr Tatanka Přibil

My journey to IT alias what to expect from switcher species.

Based on my fresh experience with IT preparation and onboarding, I am sharing my experience not only with people who are also considering a career switch - but also with those, who are going to interact with this new phenomena.

Python as a project

  • Petr Viktorin

How does Python work as a project? Who develops it? How is it organized? What's behind abbreviations like PSF, PyPA or SC?

Lightning talky

Lightning talky! Můžeš jeden mít i ty, viz pyvo.cz#info-for-speakers. Registrace nutná na Lightning Talk – bit.ly/brpylight.