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Brněnské Pyvo – Hudební

The meetup took place on Thursday the 25th of March, 2021 at 19:00.

Vzhledem k stále trvající nepříznivé epidemické situaci se opět potkáme ONLINE.

Because of the ongoing unfavorable epidemic situation, we will meet ONLINE again.

Join us on Thursday 25. 3. 2021 at 19:00 via https://meet.google.com/ton-icyp-wvz The talk will be in English.


Music as Code

  • Moisés Guimarães

This talk is about writing songs and playing music with python. Back in 2017 I came to know FoxDot, a python wrapper around SuperCollider, which is a super popular open source synthesizer. Since then, I have been using it to create entertaining lighting talks and would like to cover a bit more than just a lightning talk this time.


Moisés Guimarães is a Brazilian programmer from the easternmost place of Americas with focus on cryptography and information security.He currently works at Red Hat as a Software Engineer in the Open Stack Security focus group.

Life and Education

Guimarães was born and raised in the northeast part of Brazil in the small town of São Miguel RN. Later, at the age of 14, he moved to João Pessoa PB where he got his major in web development and received a specialist degree in information security.

In 2018 he left Terra Brasilis to build a new life in Czech Republic as a Python software engineer working in the security delivery focused group at Red Hat.

Work prior to Red Hat

He started his career as an intern for two years at Phoebus Tecnologia followed by five years in the same company developing software for credit card machines with the C language.

In 2013 he started teaching programming for both undergraduate and high school students at the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Paraíba where later, in addition to teaching, he became course coordinator.

His free time while at the institute (2013-2018) was dedicated to a part time job at wolfSSL Inc. contributing to both wolfCrypt and wolfSSL libraries.