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Brněnské Pyvo – Beta

The meetup took place on Thursday the 30th of May, 2019 at 19:00.
Edunesto, Veselá 14 → map (mapy.cz)

⚠ This month, Pyvo will be at Edunesto: Veselá 14, Brno
⚠ Pyvo bude tentokrát v Edunesto, Veselá 14!

What does “Beta“ mean for you? A bug-fixing sprint? An excuse to break things? Or just a greek letter?

If you have a project in beta, a story about beta software, or a beta version of a talk, please share it!

Co pro tebe znamená „Beta“? Opravování chyb? Výmluva k rozbíjení věcí? Nebo jen řecké písmeno?

Máš-li projekt v beta verzi, příběh o beta softwaru, nebo beta verzi přednášky, poděl se o ně!

Elsewhere on the web: meetup.com, facebook.com.


xonsh 0.9.4

  • Alexander Sosedkin

Some of us love Python so much that they make it their login shell. One must be quite a hardcore fan to sacrifice the ergonomics of the UNIX shell, though.

Fortunately, no hard choices are needed with xonsh, which, depending on how you look at it, is either Python that accepts shell syntax or a shell that allows you to lapse into Python at any given time.

But beware: the barrier to entry is so low and the convenience is so addictive, that you'll find yourself hooked on scripting everything in xonsh in no time.

Python 3.8.0b1

  • Petr Viktorin

The first beta version of Python 3.8 should be released on Friday, right after Pyvo.

For the beta, all features of Python 3.8 are in. What are they? What can you expect to be released in October? You can read the list, of course. But if you want to see some demos or discuss with others, a meetup is the best place!


Edunesto, Veselá 14

Other maps: mapy.cz, Google Maps.