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Brněnské Pyvo - Březnové

Sraz se bude konat ve čtvrtek 27. března 2025 v 19:00.
ArtBar Druhý Pád, Štefánikova 836/1 → mapa (mapy.cz)

Březnové Pyvo, poslední čtvrtek v měsíci v ArtBaru, jako obvykle. 🙂 🍻

March Pyvo, last Thursday of the month at ArtBar, as usual. 🙂 🍻


NuttX and Python

  • Eren Terzioğlu

Eren Terzioğlu will discuss running Python on NuttX, a POSIX-compliant RTOS, and how it compares to traditional embedded approaches in C.

Eren Terzioğlu works on bringing modern development workflows to embedded platforms, with a focus on NuttX.

MicroPython and Embedded Development

  • Juraj Michálek

Juraj Michálek will focus on MicroPython, showcasing practical workflows and how it integrates with Rust and C for performance-critical tasks.

Juraj Michálek specializes in MicroPython and making open-source embedded software accessible for makers and professional users.

IoT and Wireless Communication

  • Michal Kubaščík
  • Ján Šumský

Michal Kubaščík and Ján Šumský from UNIZA will present their research on ESP-NOW, a low-power wireless communication protocol, and its real-world applications. Their findings, published on the Espressif Developer Portal, cover ESP-NOW’s reliability in indoor and outdoor environments.

Michal Kubaščík and Ján Šumský are researchers at the Department of Technical Cybernetics at UNIZA, working on IoT applications, wireless communication, and real-time systems using ESP32.


ArtBar Druhý Pád, Štefánikova 836/1

Sejděte dolů po schodech, vydejte se doleva poměrně dlouhou chodbou, a po pravé straně najdete bar. Pyvo hledejte v salonku za barem.

Další mapy: mapy.cz, Google Maps.