Sraz je v 19 hodin Na Věnečku, přednášky začínají v 19.30. Čeka nás 1 přednáška, lightning talky a volná zábava až do rána.
Lightning talk můžeš mít i ty! Registrace nutná na Lightning Talks –
We meet up at 19 at the club Na Věnečku, presentations start at 19.30. You can look forward to 1 presentation, lightning talks and chit-chat until early morning.
You can have a lightning talk as well – please register at Lightning Talks –
In this talk, Jonas - a machine learning lead at a legal-tech startup Parrot will take you through how advanced AI tools, especially Large Language Models (LLMs), are being used in legal cases. He will explain our current project - Medical Records, and how we are processing and analyzing data for legal purposes. Jonas will share real-life case studies that show how LLMs are making a difference in the legal field. You will learn how these AI tools help speed up processes, improve accuracy, and make decision-making more efficient in complex legal matters.
Na Věnečku, Ostrovského 38a, Praha 5, Czech Republic, 15000
Jedná se o soukromý klub, takže nikde není žádná cedule. Když Ostrovského ulice přejde v chodník se zábradlím po obou stranách, jděte 60 metrů do kopce. První brána po pravé straně je vchod do dvora. Ujděte ještě 40 metrů a vchod do klubu najdete vlevo.
It’s a private club with no public signs. After Ostrovského street becomes a footpath walk 60 meters uphill. Club is in the first gate to the right. Go 40 more meters and entrance to the club will be to your left.