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Pražské Pyvo #130

Sraz se konal ve středu 16. března 2022 v 19:00.
Kavárna Liberál, Heřmanova 6, 17000 → mapa (mapy.cz)

Potkáme se naživo, a to v kavárně Liberál v Holešovicích. Budou dvě přednášky, lightning talky a volná zábava.

We meet at the café Liberál in Holešovice. You can look forward to 2 presentations, lightning talks and chit chat.


coPylot: Programming 2.0?

  • Libor Mořkovský

GitHub Copilot is a code generator powered by OpenAI's GPT-3 class deep neural network. Can it stand against another hype of the day: Wordle?!

Salesman Goes Coding

  • Petr Tatanka Přibil

My journey to IT alias what to expect from switcher species. Based on my fresh experience with IT preparation and onboarding, I am sharing my experience not only with people who are also considering a career switch - but also with those, who are going to interact with this new phenomena.


Kavárna Liberál, Heřmanova 6, 17000

Další mapy: mapy.cz, Google Maps.