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Pražské Pyvo #165 Panel discussion: LLM-based Code Assistants

The meetup took place on Wednesday the 19th of February, 2025 at 19:00.
Na Věnečku, Ostrovského 38a, Praha 5, Czech Republic, 15000 → map (mapy.cz)

Co tě čeká

Panelová diskuse - Asistenti kódu na bázi LLM

Lightning talk můžeš mít i ty! Registrace nutná na Lightning Talks – bit.ly/prpylight.

What to expect

Panel discussion - LLM-based Code Assistants

You can have a lightning talk as well – please register at Lightning Talks – bit.ly/prpylight.




Panel discussion: LLM-based Code Assistants

  • Jiri Bajer, Jakub Urban, Peter Hozak, Petr Glaser
  • During 2024 LLMs grew from an obscure toy into panacea, LLM-based code assistants quickly became a serious tool for SW developers and ChatOps buzzword was born. Let's leave all the hype aside and explore how the code assistants can be actually useful in Python development. We'll have four panelists talking about their first-hand experience and favorite use cases plus plenty of space for questions and contribution from the audience.

Lightning talks

Svůj Ligtning talk si přihlaste na tradiční adrese https://bit.ly/prpylight.

You can do your Ligtning talk too: add it to https://bit.ly/prpylight.


Na Věnečku, Ostrovského 38a, Praha 5, Czech Republic, 15000

Jedná se o soukromý klub, takže nikde není žádná cedule. Když Ostrovského ulice přejde v chodník se zábradlím po obou stranách, jděte 60 metrů do kopce. První brána po pravé straně je vchod do dvora. Ujděte ještě 40 metrů a vchod do klubu najdete vlevo.

It’s a private club with no public signs. After Ostrovského street becomes a footpath walk 60 meters uphill. Club is in the first gate to the right. Go 40 more meters and entrance to the club will be to your left.

Na Věnečku @ Google Maps

Other maps: mapy.cz, Google Maps.