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Pražské Pyvo #132

The meetup took place on Wednesday the 18th of May, 2022 at 19:00.
Holešovická šachta, Bubenská 242/14 → map (mapy.cz)

Potkáme se v Holešovické šachtě. Bude jedna přednáška, lightning talky a volná zábava.

We meet at the Holešovická šachta. You can look forward to one presentation, lightning talks and chit chat.



  • Honza Král

So your code is in production, now what? Do you know, if your application is up? Do you knew if something goes wrong? When it does, how will you debug it? Let's talk observability, the latest buzzword, what it means, and how to get started!


Holešovická šachta, Bubenská 242/14

Other maps: mapy.cz, Google Maps.