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Pražské Pyvo #115 Modern APIs ONLINE ONLY

The meetup took place on Wednesday the 21{} st of October, 2020 at 19:00.

Modern APIs

Pozor, změna místa: Zoom https://pantheon.zoom.us/j/94879518091


graphql app

  • Ales Zoulek

ales will tell us more soon

react relay

  • Petr Messner

Example of GraphQL server implementation using Graphene and Aiohttp. Example of using Relay + React + Next.js on the frontend.

Source code of the demo project: github.com/messa/pyvo-graphql-demo

do you want to have a talk?

let us know! praha@pyvo.cz

Lightning talks

Určitě dojde i na lightning talky. Můžeš jeden mít i ty, viz pyvo.cz#info-for-speakers. Registrace nutná na Lightning Talk – bit.ly/prpylight.