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Brněnské Pyvo – Typovací

Sraz se konal ve čtvrtek 29. října 2020 v 19:00.

Vzhledem k současné epidemiologické situaci bude říjnové Pyvo opět ONLINE.

Because of the current epidemiological situation, the October Pyvo will be held ONLINE.

Join us on Thursday 29. 10. 2020 at 19:00 via https://meet.google.com/tpm-yecn-iao The talk will be in English.


Signing (py)contract with the devil

  • Edvard Majakari

Writing reliable software is one of the greatest challenges in software engineering. While it seems like there will be no silver bullet, there’s this nice idea stolen from information theory, implemented in some languages natively and available for many as an extension/library; Invariants that hold always true, no matter what. We’ll look first at the general idea behind contracts, and then a specific implementation, consider performance impacts, and how to deal with those.