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Brněnské Pyvo – Pivní

Sraz se konal ve čtvrtek 26. července 2018 v 19:00.
U Dřeváka, Dřevařská 22, 602 00 → mapa (mapy.cz)

Dear Pythonistas (those who are not attending EuroPython :),

As usual, during the holidays, Pyvo enters the slow summer mood, so no talks for you in July and August. We wanted to come up with the traditional grill event, but due to the uncertain weather situation, the decision was made to just have a beer at U Dřeváka Beer&Grill. Also, the grill is reserved for August already!

Come have a chat about Python-related stuff. We might even try to bring few stickers for exchange if anybody is interested :)

See you on Thursday!

Jinde na webu: facebook.com.


U Dřeváka, Dřevařská 22, 602 00

Další mapy: mapy.cz, Google Maps.