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Brněnské Pyvo – Running buggy code in production

Sraz se konal ve čtvrtek 27. května 2021 v 19:00.

Vzhledem k stále trvající nepříznivé epidemické situaci se opět potkáme ONLINE.

Because of the ongoing unfavorable epidemic situation, we will meet ONLINE again.

Join us on Thursday 27. 5. 2021 at 19:00 via https://meet.google.com/ckd-wutv-qqe The talk will be in English.


Running buggy code in production. Fault tolerance in Django.

  • Timothy Hobbs

It's been at least 6 months since we had a green dot next to the test runner for our flagship Do Práce na Kole and in the past 14 days there were 296 731 errors in Sentry, but somehow things keep on running. In this talk, we will examine what happens in Django when an error occurs, when a request is being processed, or while a Celery task is being run. Do database transactions roll back time? What about interactions with external resources?